Social Security and Medicare: Maximizing Retirement Benefits (Virtual)  (SSM4-VIR)

Thursday, August 11, 2022 from 8:30 AM to 12:00PM in Online

4.00 CPE Credit Hours

Our Social Security system provides retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to millions of Americans. The long-term future of Social Security and Medicare is uncertain, triggering concerns for many workers who are now paying into the system. Attend this course to learn about FICA, the Medicare tax, and more. You will cover real-world situations and use the tools provided to advise your clients to make optimal decisions when it comes to Social Security and Medicare.

Designed For
CPAs, professional accountants, and financial advisers

When you complete this course you will be able to:

  • Recall the role of the Social Security Administration and how FICA applies to the funding of Social Security, and Medicare benefits.
  • Identify the benefit eligibility issues.
  • Determine Social Security benefits and the implications retirement age has on those benefits.
  • Identify what types of Social Security survivor benefits are available.
  • Identify the disability income benefits and the multiple factors that can impact those benefits.
  • Identify coverages and costs associated with Medicare and what it does not cover.
  • What Medicare will and will not do
  • Managing Medicare gaps
  • Analyzing the wide menu of Social Security benefits
  • Social Security benefits for workers and families: retirement, survivor, disability, and death benefit
  • Tax impact of social security premiums and benefits
  • Impact of the 3.8% Medicare surtax on investment income
  • Recent changes to the Medicare law.
Basic knowledge of Social Security and Medicare
Advanced Preparation
Greg Carnes,
Level of Knowledge

Course Location

123 Online Lane
Online, SD 00000



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